I’ve never heard of a ring-tailed ,at first I thought it was a ring-tailed Lemur, but the only info I knew was that Lemurs live in Madagascar. So off I went to educate myself.

The Blacked-throated Sparrow looks as though it just saw the ring-tail and was not at all happy about it.Your selection of photographs are all wonderful. I especially like the way each one is framed by their surroundings. I particularly love ( no,no not the leeches) the black-chinned Sparrow against the wet darkened rock background. And the Lincoln’s Sparrow’s mottled feathers with the bark of the tree branch. Definitely not the leeches. Do you remember the movie Stand By Me? One of my favorites. I’m thinking about the leeches scene…

However you celebrate the season , may you celebrate in joy!

Thanks Ken, for letting me hang out in your yard this year.

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You are welcome Lor! Hoping you are also enjoying and celebrating the season! (BTW: I remember Stand By Me--but the leech scene I always think about, especially as they feed on me, is the one from African Queen...that look on Bogart's face as he goes back into the water...

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That Black Throated was one bad boy, or trying to pass for one. Thanks for waking me up to these guys.

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You should see them more in the lower desert around Tucson!

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So cool! Except the leeches, I’ll skip that part.

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But we love leeches!

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Wonderful shots and great enthusiasm!

Thanks for all those wonderful shots

and merry christmas! Happy New Year!!

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Merry Christmas Ruby. Thank you! Wishing you the best this holiday season and for the New Year!

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Well, that was fun!

Have you ever heard the ringtail called a cacamistle? They're usually cryptic little things. So it's nice to see such beautiful portraits!

I saw one evening owling, scurry up an oak tree and grab a roosting bird and eat it. Your hens were lucky, And all their excuses for not laying our valid! Love the sparrow photos and diversity, and pagan plans with your bohemian lady for the soltice celebration. except for the leaches....where did they come from?! good chicken snacks i bet!

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Thanks Dawn--hope you're getting some nice birds in DP! I hadn't heard of a cacomistle so I just looked it up! The cacomistle Bassariscus sumichrasti, also spelled cacomixtle. Same genus as the ringtail (Bassariscus astutus)! It lives in tropical Mexico and Central America. They look so similar! Thanks for sharing...

The leeches are medicinal (Hirudo medicinalis). I've used them before (best gift I've ever treated the wife with...see my post in November 2022). I get them from a company in Colorado. Give them a try--you won't go back!

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oohhhh well, i've heard of them for medicinal use.. but not super gung ho! I'll check back when I'm feeling the need. I usually just donate a pint every 6 weeks. Not the same? :)

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Leeches are cool. Put one on a bruise I got last night collecting wood for the solstice bonfire...

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