Goodness--had no idea you were flooded! By the time we got back from our northern AZ trip (8/26) we finally broke the 18" mark for the year. This is still almost 2" under our record highest in 2018. No complaints here except maybe the overgrowth of everything both good and bad.

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When the creek runs, we usually get flooded in the low areas, thankfully not at the house--that only happened once in 12 years. We've had 26-27 inches for the year a few times, but this is the best monsoon on record. Not looking to break any year records, after last winter's drought and hearing that another La Nina is headed our way this winter...

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Another La Niña?! Whatever happened to El Niño?

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Wow hope you are ok!

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We're fine, as long as we stay put and keep off the highway. Nothing like going from severe drought to flash flooding. Bit of cleanup to do...

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Girls always outnumber boys, I guess--but 3-1?!

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