Hope so too. Not sure where I'm going to plant so many -- husband doesn't like me to water!!

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You can cluster them--my big trees get gray water from the laundry...

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A beautiful poignant reverie, Ken. We long for warmth and earlier sunlight to return. The birds do as well. Mourning doves are already on their nests at my home in Oro Valley, and CBTs are calling late into the evenings, even in the dark. Life is stirring.

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Thanks so much Mary--I'm with you on the return of spring! Watch an Anna's Hummingbird pull lint from the clothesline this morning!!! Getting close!

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Where are the bluebirds this year? None around the mistletoe laden mesqutes along Sibyl Road, only a couple of Westerns at Curtiss Flats. Zero Mountains. Rufous-crowned Sparrows, seen almost daily throughout the year are missing from our yard. Only a single Black-chinned Sparrow all year......the list goes on.

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Yes...I went looking for mountain bluebirds at Curtis Flats and found nothing, no westerns either. In the yard, I'm missing the same as you...14 species, most rather common (I'm working on another post about this right now...though it may be getting old...). No pyrrhuloxias! I'm sure my new camera will change this! So good to see you yesterday!!!

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Plenty of pyrrhuloxias here but very low on Black-throated Sparrows and I haven't seen a roadrunner in ages! Still at 36 species for the month. The great-horned owl which is usually captured on the trailcam has skipped January too. Haven't taken any photos in a while. Chipping sparrows get pretty boring. Yes, great to finally meet yesterday even though I had to rush off. Next time at one of our places! The elderberry plants are safely ensconced in the greenhouse until it's safe to put them in the ground.

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Hope the elderberries take! Let me know--plenty more around here in the spring!

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