0.79" since Jan. 1. I am keeping the elderberry watered and it looks fine (the only one that survived). I'm hoping it will "take off" during the monsoon, assuming we get one. Besides the birds that haven't shown up this year, there hasn't even been a roadrunner! It's hard not to get discouraged.

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Here's hoping for a monsoon the elderberries will love! Yeah, discouraging, as you'll see in my next post...that Audubon blog has me worried...15 species! Missing my Canyon Wrens...

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Beautiful photos. I hope you get the rain! I'd like to send you some of ours at this point. Five months ago we were in the early stages of drought. Now it seems it just can't stop raining. And I love this word, "Cianalas". Yesterday morning I wrote the word "Rooted" in big letters on my journal page. I want to feel rooted.

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Thanks Karen--yes, please send us some rain! Nothing in the forecast here except hot and dry...where I'm "rooted." Sometimes I think the Welsh word "hiraeth" is more suited to my temperament. A deep homesickness tinged with grief and sadness over the lost or departed.

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Have you read "Bittersweet"?

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No...I'll check it out. I'm just starting Florence Williams' Heartbreak--where I learned about hireath. Awesome writer--met her in Tucson last March.

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Dear Ken, I love your blog so much and recently sold my ranch up by Globe, but live in Tucson. Your blog keeps me alive with the seasons and the birds. I would like to send you my book of poems that includes a whole lot of birds.....and, your excellent writer/poet daughter, Melissa, once passed through my classroom at the UA. Congratulations on your blog and hope you will send me your address, Janice Dewey

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Hi Janice! Thanks for this! You are so kind...2261 W. Mule Pass, Bisbee 85603. If you're in Tucson and still writing poetry, I teach a writing workshop at the Poetry Center on Thursday evenings, 5-7 pm. We meet every Thursday, work on all kinds of writing, and it's free to the public. Please feel free to join us! And yes, Melissa is awesome--she has a new book coming out in May 23 from Norton about two women botanists who traveled into the Grand Canyon in 1938.

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