80 species here and we're away this coming week so maybe more for September. Not the best year. 2020 was 87 for September but we weren't away at all that year. Most of the winter sparrows have arrived but I am sad to see that the family of 5 Vermilion FCs has probably moved on. Last sighting was two days ago.

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Picked up a few more this morning--the first Hermit Thrush and Red-naped Sapsuckers! No sparrows yet...soon I hope!

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Oh my! I had a Cooper's hawk visit my yard this week. Could the dozen squirrels who come to the feeders have anything to do with it?! (haha) Gorgeous photos.

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Lucky you! I love to see them on occasion. May have to recycle more chickens!

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Hi Ken,

Just heard about the death of Dick Shelton. I am devasted as I am sure you are. I just spoke with him on the phone a few weeks ago. Please send me your contact information, so can email you. You are the only connection I have with him now. Here is my email and phone. michael.hogan@asfg.edu.mx (+52) 33-3167-1152

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