I would be very appreciative if you could kindly hold up a sign for the Rufous and Violet-crowned. Tell them Vermont is quite nice in the spring and summer. And maybe a roughly drawn migration map pointing in the general vicinity, ‘This way to Vermont 👉’ . I promise to fill the feeders every day and keep them nice and clean . And , I promise to have lovely red flowers 🌺 . Oh, and I have a huge vine of Honeysuckle that should be quite tasty. And , tell the Violet -crowned that I promise to tell him what a handsome Hummer he is with that perfectly coiffed

Violet “toupee”.

All kidding aside,

“A warming planet “. What will we see this season and what will we miss seeing…

Wonderful photography, thank you as always.

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Thanks Lor! One thing about birds--they have wings! Love to see one of your Ruby-throated Hummingbirds visit the yard--it can happen!

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Ok, I promise to talk to my buddies in the spring, I will tell them your approximate address, and to look for a guy in PJs with a camera around his neck.

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I love your posts. Thank you for sharing!

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You are welcome, Aria! So glad you are enjoying the Big Yard with me!

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Alabaster hole cut into the dark green thornscrub: cool image

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Thanks Diane--that's the way I always remember that first Violet-crown!

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So glad that you share the birds that visit you! Love seeing your close-up pictures here! The violet hummer's style is pretty unique! :-)

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Thanks Sandy! Always happy to share--if you're ever in Bisbee, come on by for a real treat!

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