So many birds already! I’ve only seen one warbler so far, but we don’t get nearly as many as you do. Or at least I’m not as good as finding them. Yesterday, on a cloudy day, I had four black-bellied whistling ducks fly right past me. I’ve never seen one before! Spring migration is so much fun.

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And the birds just keep coming! I'm going to drive over to Scotia Canyon and look for Trogons and Buff-breasted Flycatchers...stay tuned!

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It's always a treat to see your photos and remember the Sonoran Desert, Ken! Thanks for keeping track of who is coming through in the avian world--I can anticipate some of those birds making it this far north in a few weeks. (Except it's so dry here in the juniper savanna at the foot of the Southern Rockies, they won't likely stick around this year, but will move on to somewhere not so deeply in drought.)

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Thanks Susan--okay, I'm sending birds your way! First Nashville Warblers and Lark Sparrows this morning, and the flycatchers are coming in!

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