I love watching Cedar Waxwings, especially in winter where an entire flock tend to descend in sync , landing on snow covered branches of Crab Apple trees still heavy with shriveled berries. Then taking to the air all at once ,with any kind of disturbance, only to land again. It really is quite beautiful. Great videos! As you are well aware by now, I live in VT. We have Canadian Lynx and Bobcats making a comeback, but , my husband and I saw a Mountain Lion three times in our well wooded neighborhood, one month ago. No camera in hand , we were walking up our steep paved road , I was about 30ft ahead of my husband and we both saw movement . Looking in the direction, I was only 20ft away when I saw the cat hesitate on the grassy side of the road, stared at me a moment, then casually sprang across ,stopped again and strolled into an open field .We both were able to get a perfect viewing. Not quite full grown, that long tail, the low arc of its back as it sprang. I saw it again in our back yard casually strolling through our woods and across the grass. Another time the same, tried to stealthy sneak out the door with phone in hand , but I missed it. ( Maybe should have had my PJs on). I researched and explored all the images and written details I could find and there is no other explanation. Most wildlife experts here, have not acknowledged their existence in this state. My husband and I agree that we have no intentions to notify state VT Fish and Game Experts. One,is to let this animal be contently in the wild. The other, we would have cars lined up daily on the road to catch a glimpse and then announce to the rest of the state and beyond.

And quickly, I was driving long distance by myself, on a day in May when luck would have it, Amy Tan was being interviewed on VPR ( broadcasted on Vermont Public Radio for NPR.) I thought I would send it along. I’m sure if she realized bird watching in PJ’s only enhances the experience, then she might indulge. If she ever shows up on Substack, I will be the first to send her your way.


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Thanks for this, Lor! Someday I hope to meet Amy! Really love her writing!

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Thanks for keeping it going, Ken. I enjoy and value your posts. Amy’s new book was a Christmas present from one of my own children and I am also looking forward to reading that soon…

Best wishes for a peaceful and fulfilling year in 2025.


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Thanks Benny! Amy's book is terrific--you will love it! I'm deep into it now...she's very entertaining...

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I love cats! Especially the big ones. You never need to clean their litter box. 🤠

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And what a job that would be! I find their scrapes all the time on the trail down to the property...I cut that trail and now it's their litter box!

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