Ooh, the Black-chinned Sparrow. I didn’t plan on showing favoritism, all Sparrows are created equal . But how could I not fall for those pale grayish feathers. If I were to paint him, I would add a tiny drop of purple to get just the right gray.

“…materializes from gray light…” Maybe it is just the highlighting from the “gray light” either way, stunning. This time of year here in VT our fall clouds tend to have a bruised gray look about them. So I’ll add , I love the Black chinned sparrow with bruised gray highlights. I Heard my last Dark-eyed Junco singing, just the end of last week. A bit lonely out there right now.

“This is sparrow fall.

And my eyes are on the sparrow.” Beautiful.

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Thanks so much Lor! Yes, I love that little Black-chinned Sparrow, who's coming to the fountain daily now...with lots of other sparrows. Getting some nice juncos of different races now too. And a hybrid! Writing about today's Band-tailed Pigeon right now...

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