I've more or less given up on the Merlin photo ID. It's failed me several times with ridiculous ID -- it called a Vesper Sparrow in a mesquite (not the best shot, of course) a curlew! I've forgotten what the others were but equally as ridiculous. If it needs the "perfect" shot, well, that's not why I would use it unless I needed instant gratification. Regarding Covid19, the stats are starting to look bad again. Humans.....bah!

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Yeah, I've had the same issue with Merlin--tree branches and fuzzy shots throw it off, but it has helped with better photos. At least when it's off it's usually way off!

Cochise County is getting scary again...makes me what to go to Mexico for a long while.

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The pictures are awesome! I want to hear more about how well it actually works. I have friends that post birds they've identified with Merlin and let's just say there are a lot of misidentifications, even of common birds. I have two people on social media I feel like I'm their Merlin checker, lol.

It seems crazy to be day 500 of this crazy pandemic too. I got my booster yesterday and today sucks but I am awfully glad to be able to get it, even if I keep thinking it wouldn't be needed if everyone else would just do their part.

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Thanks Karen! I figure in my yard Merlin Sound ID is right about 70 percent of the time. And there are times it really surprises me--like picking out an out-of-season Cassin's Kingbird. You just have to be careful with uncommon or rare birds, make sure you see or hear them yourself. Merlin Photo ID can be all over the place depending on the photo, but it's right maybe half the time. The best part is Merlin teaches me to pay better attention!

Can't wait to et my booster! So glad my grandchildren are finally getting their shots! Yes, more people need to understand what community is all about!

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I just got Merlin last week and started playing with it. You’ve helped me understand more how to use it and keep me eyes and ears more open and attuned. Thank you!

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Thanks Valerie! Yes, Merlin is a bit addicting--I had to set rules for myself while using it--like I must actually see any new or unexpected bird...it is amazing!

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The app sounds great. I've used something similar to identify plants here in Kentucky. Google lens works as well.

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I've heard about that...great idea for plants, which are even more difficult than birds!

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