I'd not heard of Kinsa thermometers and what they can do. I love things like that--right up my alley. Maybe nerdy but contributing to science (and maybe Bill Gates?). Will look into ordering one. I've contributed to eBird for years but prefer BugGuide to iNaturalist. I've gotten too many amateur opinions on iNaturalist and few professional ones and IDs I disagree with. It has it's place though.

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A retired entomologist-friend (she wrote Six Legs Walking) just told me about eButterfly...ever heard of that one?

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Yep. I joined when it first started but have not kept up with it. It's hard enough for me to add daily entries and photos into eBird. I do a lot of butterflying though and do keep personal lists. Not enough hours in the day to do it all! North American Butterfly Association has a similar data entry program which I never contribute to either.

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