I woke this morning at first light to a bright male rose-breasted grosbeak drinking from the birdbath before flying into the oak above it. I blinked behind the bedroom window. Really? Another rarity? June, with its 68 species of birds, has been the season of grosbeaks. A four-grosbeak summer.
And then there was this:
For the first time this year, a cordilleran flycatcher calls from the yard with its sweet, two-note tee-seeet, which mostly bent my ear because I’d been hearing the bird the past four mornings at my daughter’s place in Mountainaire near flagstaff.
Nope. Not escaping into the high mountains of northern Arizona. The son-in-law scheduled a roofing project for the hottest day of the year.
Thanks for subscribing! Watch for what’s coming in July!
Is that, yes, duct tape on your old boots?!!