The Big Yard: Notes from a Pajama Birdwatcher
December 6, 2023
The season’s first freeze gripped us last weekend, which is later than normal. Leaves tumble to the ground, chokecherry yellow and canyon grape red, although the apple tree clings to an alpenglow as the sun rises. The tomatoes are done. The vines hang over their cages like dirty wash rags. The yard needs serious attention—still, I’m happy to be home after missing most of November.
This morning, wrapped in a blanket, I check off the birds and watch for new arrivals. So far, only a skulking green-tailed towhee and one gorgeous male pyrrhuloxia to add to the usual juncos, sparrows, titmice, and nuthatches among others. Then, I hear the heavy wing-flutter of a large hummingbird—one to stir the resident pair of Anna’s from their post at the feeder. The magnificent one. I raise my camera and wait. When it sallies out of the trees, I catch the green flash of its throat—a male!—and snap a dozen photos.
Another ordinary day among the extraordinary.
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