Day 329 of the Quarantine (February 6, 2021)
Forty-four species for the year with tonight’s whiskered screech-owl calling from its hole in the power pole outside my window, its familiar rapid-fire and even toots slipping through the oaks. The owl joins 30 birds for the day, including a “Mexican cardinal,” the pyrrhuloxia, woodpeckers like the one named for Arizona that mostly lives in Mexico, ravens, sparrows, and another flesh-tearing predator, our resident Cooper’s hawk. She likes to cruise by the yard and send the doves into an explosive frenzy of wings. Usually into my neighbor’s windows.
My neighbors have returned from Durango for the season and are making runs into Sierra Vista for supplies. As Ron unloaded bottled water from his truck, he mentioned the irony of shopping at Walmart. “People without masks have six-shooters strapped to their sides,” he said, grabbing at his hip.
“Maybe they’re from Tombstone,” I said. “Some people don’t feel safe unless they’re armed to the teeth. Might see a rattlesnake or squirrel.”
And that was when the irony struck me. People—mostly white males—thinking they can pull their sidearms to protect others from some unseen and unknown and certainly unlikely danger when they go shopping. Yet they won’t wear a mask to protect them from an unseen but very real threat.
Back in the day, the people of Tombstone wore masks along with their Colt .45s.
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The sad irony of it....